Where does this KMI natural gas project start, and where would it connect to Sabal Trail?
Back in March 2015,
FERC gave Kinder Morgan docket CP15-144 for its Jacksonville Expansion Project, to ship “natural” gas from Suwannee County to Jacksonville, where Jaxport is gearing up for liquid natural gas (LNG) export.
KMI’s FERC application explicitly says Sabal Trail can connect if it wants to,
and it turns out Sabal Trail’s own Suwannee County map gives us the answer, once we interpret it: Continue reading Where in Suwannee County is the KMI JAX Expansion Project?
Tag Archives: Bradford County
Kinder Morgan FERC filing to ship fracked methane to Jacksonville
The pipeline companies are in cahoots to export through all our lands.
Beware especially Suwannee, Columbia, Bradford, and Clay Counties, Florida.
Beware Atlantic coastal Georgia, the same Kinder Morgan (KMI)
of the Palmetto petroleum products Project to Jacksonville
wants to push fracked methane to Jacksonville, apparently for export.
Beware Alabama, Georgia, and Florida on the proposed path of Sabal Trail:
This new Florida project could ship Sabal Trail fracked methane to Jaxport for
LNG export.
In March 2014 TECO Peoples Gas announced intention to ship fracked methane to Jacksonville, which the Jacksonville Business Journal interpreted as for export, since Continue reading Kinder Morgan FERC filing to ship fracked methane to Jacksonville
FERC dismissed Strom Starke LNG for lack of fee payment
One thing up with which even FERC will not put
is a late filing fee!
FERC warned Strom about that $24,260 filing fee on
21 July 2014.
One month and one day later, FERC called the whole thing off.
But don’t assume that means Strom is giving up:
it may be back with another try for Starke, in Bradford County, Florida,
in the Santa Fe River watershed and a short truck drive to the St Johns River watershed.
And remember
three other Florida LNG export operations already have authorization
from DoE’s Office of Fossil Energy.
Debra Johnson found this FERC Strom denial. It was also noted by Ted Monroe in LNG Industry 1 September 2014, FERC dismisses Strom LNG petition, Continue reading FERC dismissed Strom Starke LNG for lack of fee payment
A fourth Florida LNG export request: Strom, Inc. from Starke, FL
Still time to object to this fourth company
filing to export Sabal Trail fracked methane,
adding to the
three already authorized.
FERC knew about this Strom LNG export request before
the last three FERC Scoping Meetings, and never told us.
This fourth LNG export operation will affect both the Santa Fe River watershed
and the St Johns River watershed.
Strom, Inc. filed LNG export authorization requests with U.S. DoE’s Office of Fossil Energy (FE) 18 April 2014, all still being considered, all for liquifying in Starke, Bradford County, Florida, all for 25 years, and all explicitly saying they want to use Sabal Trail fracked methane.
In FE’s list of 2014 – LNG Export, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), Re-Exports & Long Term Natural Gas Applications: Continue reading A fourth Florida LNG export request: Strom, Inc. from Starke, FL