Tag Archives: Push Back the Pipeline

Judge denies KMI appeal for Palmetto Pipeline

Yay Savannah Riverkeeper, Greenlaw, and Push Back the Pipeline! Kinder Morgan go home to Houston: you can’t even sell your Palmetto Project. And take Spectra’s Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline with you.

JoAnn Merrigan, WSAV3, 1 March 2016, Judge says NO to Kinder Morgan appeal on Palmetto Pipeline,

The Savannah Riverkeeper says score one for property rights in Georgia when it comes to the proposed Palmetto Pipeline and the possible use of eminent domain.

A Fulton County Superior Court judge today ruled against Kinder Morgan (the company planning the pipeline.)…

Now the Riverkeeper reports that “after months of deliberation however, the judge has disagreed and that Tuesday’s decision spells relief for Continue reading Judge denies KMI appeal for Palmetto Pipeline

Petition Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline

Please sign this petition to Please Ban The Sabal Trail Fracked Gas Pipeline.

Congratulations again to Push Back the Pipeline for convincing GA Gov. Deal and Lt. Gov. Cagle to oppose Kinder Morgan’s Palmetto Project and the Georgia Dept. of Transportation to deny KMI a permit.

Now it’s time for the same for the Sabal Trail Pipeline. The permitting process is different, but opposition from the state of Georgia could stop this invader, too. Continue reading Petition Georgia Governor Nathan Deal: Oppose Sabal Trail like you oppose the Palmetto Pipeline

GDOT says no eminent domain for Palmetto Pipeline

Houston, Houston, do you read? GDOT agrees with Push Back the Pipeline: there’s no Public Convenience and Necessity for the Palmetto Project. Kinder Morgan take your pipeline and go home. While you’re at it, Spectra take your Sabal trail pepeline and go home to Houston. Congratulations to Push Back the Pipeline on this great victory!

Whitney Harris, WTOC, today, Palmetto Pipeline: Kinder Morgan can’t take land – DETAILS HERE, Continue reading GDOT says no eminent domain for Palmetto Pipeline

Against Sabal Trail in Savannah 2015-05-21

Maybe Push Back the Pipeline can help convince Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and GDOT to oppose Sabal Trail like they successfully opposed the Palmetto pipeline. In Savannah Thursday May 21st a landowner affected by Sabal Trail and WWALS Watershed Coalition President John S. Quarterman will make the case at the Coastal Group of the Georgia Sierra Club. More details and background from WWALS, and see below about the event. All opponents of the Sabal Trail and Palmetto pipelines are invited.

Connect Savannah, today, (also on Push Back the Pipeline), Georgia’s Other Unwanted and Unneeded Pipeline,

When: Thu., May 21, 7 p.m.
Phone: 912-961-6190
Price: Free
Where: First Presbyterian Church
520 Washington Ave Savannah-Eastside

The Palmetto Pipeline is not the only pipeline project in Georgia Continue reading Against Sabal Trail in Savannah 2015-05-21

Massive opposition to KMI Palmetto Pipeline in Waynesboro + Sabal Trail

Most of the 400 people at the final Georgia Department of Transportation hearing vehemently opposed Kinder Morgan’s Palmetto petroleum products Pipeline. There’s still time to ask GDOT to deny the Palmetto permit. Now is the time also to ask GDOT to deny any permits for the Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline, and for Georgia Governor Nathan Deal and Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle to oppose Sabal Trail like they just said they oppose the Palmetto Project.

That’s SpectraBusters ally Gretchen Elsner of the Georgia Climate Coalition on the Friday front page of the Savannah Morning News, Clapping in the blue shirt is Continue reading Massive opposition to KMI Palmetto Pipeline in Waynesboro + Sabal Trail

Georgia has no use for new pipelines –AJC

Four pipeline projects surround Atlanta, and Georgia’s governor won’t comment. Spectra’s Andrea Grover did, though, saying the Albany compressor station would be no louder than “a modern-day dishwasher.”

Dan Chapman, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3 April 2015, Pipeline project fuels fight on state’s future,

VALDOSTA — Southwest Georgia is roiling mad over a proposed gas pipeline to Florida that virtually nobody in Atlanta, except Ted Turner, has heard about.

John Carlton looks over a gopher tortoise hole a few feet away from a 1954 easement for an 8 inch natural gas line on his property at Morrison Pines Plantation in Moultrie. The planned Sabel Trail pipeline would run 50 feet over from the existing line. Carlton is undecided on the proposal.
Photograph credit: Curtis Compton, AJC

Electric Power & Light has more of the text: Continue reading Georgia has no use for new pipelines –AJC

Yes, Palmetto Pipe Line falls under FERC

There’s never been any doubt that Kinder Morgan’s Palmetto Project to gouge through South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida to Jacksonville is an interstate pipeline and therefore under the jurisdiction of FERC. It does aready have one FERC docket. The only reason it doesn’t have a pre-filing or regular filing FERC docket is it just hasn’t gotten that far in the FERC process yet.

Update 2015-03-26: Actually, FERC doesn’t have nearly as much authority over oil pipelines.

FERC’s own docket OR15-13, was Continue reading Yes, Palmetto Pipe Line falls under FERC