Yay Savannah Riverkeeper, Greenlaw, and Push Back the Pipeline! Kinder Morgan go home to Houston: you can’t even sell your Palmetto Project. And take Spectra’s Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline with you.
JoAnn Merrigan, WSAV3, 1 March 2016,
Judge says NO to Kinder Morgan appeal on Palmetto Pipeline,
The Savannah Riverkeeper says score one for property rights in Georgia when it comes to the proposed Palmetto Pipeline and the possible use of eminent domain.
A Fulton County Superior Court judge today ruled against Kinder Morgan (the company planning the pipeline.)…
Now the Riverkeeper reports that “after months of deliberation however, the judge has disagreed and that Tuesday’s decision spells relief for Continue reading Judge denies KMI appeal for Palmetto Pipeline