Emera, Inc – A Natural Gas Exporter Acquires TECO – Tampa Electric

Canadian based, Emera Inc., has acquired TECO – Tampa Electric Company.

“The acquisition of TECO Energy advances a number of important strategic objectives for Emera,” said Chris Huskilson, president and CEO of Emera Inc. “We expect it to be

significantly accretive, increase our regulated earnings into the high end of our target range, provide additional diversification and growth opportunities, and expand Emera into the local gas distribution business.”

Emera is also invested in Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline:

Emera also has a 12.9% interest in Maritimes & Northeast Pipeline which is co-owned by Spectra Energy and Exxonmobil Canada.

The 1,400-kilometre pipeline transports natural gas from the Sable reserves to markets in Atlantic Canada and the Northeast US.

Emera has investments throughout North America, and in four Caribbean countries. Emera (Caribbean) Incorporated (EC) is a subsidiary of Emera Inc. of Halifax, Nova Scotia. Emera Inc.

Emera, Inc. Caribbean Investments include:

The Barbados Light & Power Co. Ltd. (wholly owned);
Emera Caribbean Renewables Limited (wholly owned);
A majority 52% interest in Dominica Electricity Services Limited; and A 19.1% interest in St. Lucia Electricity Services Limited.

These investments are part of the wider Emera Inc. interests in the Caribbean, which also include an 80% holding in Grand Bahama Power Company. Grand Bahama Power is a majority owned subsidiary of Emera Inc.

Emera CNG, LLC – A subsidiary of Emera. Inc, is a natural gas exporter whose primary exports will be by ocean vessel to the Bahamas for processing. Emera has received DOE order to export natural gas:

"The Energy Department announced today that it has issued a final authorization to Emera CNG, LLC (Emera) to export domestically produced compressed natural gas (CNG) to countries that do not have a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the United States. Emera is authorized to export CNG up to the equivalent of 0.008 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) of natural gas for a period of 20 years from Emera’s proposed facility at the Port of Palm Beach, Florida, via trailers, tank containers, and ocean-going carriers to any non-FTA country not prohibited by U.S. law or policy."

In the USA and concerning TECO’S Florida operations:

"In March 2014 TECO Peoples Gas announced intention to ship fracked methane to Jacksonville, which the Jacksonville Business Journal interpreted as for export, since Jaxport was already gearing up for LNG export. The Jax Bus Journal article didn’t name the source pipelines, but the descriptions of where they would get their gas left little doubt that two of them would be FGT (50% Kinder Morgan) and Gulfstream (50% Spectra Energy, 50% Williams Co.) and soon Sabal Trail (was 50% Spectra Energy and 50% NextEra parent of FPL, and now 7.5% Duke Energy) through Transco (100% Williams Co.) from the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline (Williams Co.) in Pennsylvania.

KMI subsidiary Florida Gas Transmission, LLC on 31 March 2015, in Accession Number 20150331-5692, “submits its its Certificate Application re the Jacksonville Expansion Project, under CP15-144.” FERC responded 13 April 2015 in Accession Number: 20150413-3014, “Notice of Florida Gas Transmission, LLC’s 3/31/15 filing of an application requesting authorization to construct, own, and operate approximately 3.0 miles of 30-inch mainline loop extension (Branford Loop) etc under CP15-144.”

As reported last year here:









– Deb

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