Waiting for Ted Yoho FL-03 to ask the Corps for a SEIS like he said he would

“No fracking!” said the students, as
nine people protested outside Sabal Trail’s Contractor Fair at RiverOak Technical College, Live Oak, Suwannee County, Florida yesterday, 20 April 2016.
SpectraBusters, Suwannee-St Johns Group of Sierra Club Florida, and WWALS were
among the groups with members on the ground, with the other groups listed on
the flyer we were passing out there in spirit to say
Shortterm jobs are not worth longterm Sabal Trail risk.
the press release, which was
picked up by
Valdosta Today.
Many thanks to Continue reading SpectraBusters leaflets Sabal Trail in Live Oak 2016-04-20
Tonight, Tuesday March 15, 2016, Hamilton County unanimously voted to request that the Army Corps of Engineers perform an independent study on site concerning the ommisions and discrepancies contained in the final environmental study that FERC and Florida DEP used to issue the permit for the Sabal Trail pipeline.
These ommisions in the EIS were discovered by Mr Chris Mericle when comparing a geological study by local geologist Dennis Price with the final EIS Sabal Trail study submitted to FERC on which FERC based the permit for the Sabal Trail pipeline.
Hamilton County was prompted to write this letter after attending the Suwannee BOCC workshop a few weeks ago where members of both boards hiked the Suwannee River crossing and saw for themselves the numerous sinkholes in and around the pipeline route. A route that Sabal Trail claimed the closet sinkhole was 750′ from the pipeline route.
One Hamilton County commissioner asked if Suwannee County was still taking an unheard of neutral stance on this for export fracked gas pipeline.
Thank you to all of the commissioners of Hamilton County for taking action to protect their constituents and our sole source of water – the Floridan Aquifer.
Debra J.
Now streaming online:
At What Cost? Pipelines, Pollution and Eminent Domain in the Rural South,
by Mark Albertin.
And yes, he’s happy for it to be shown elsewhere; just ask, and you can set up a local viewing like
in Live Oak last night, or the previous premieres along the Georgia coast.
Most of the issues are the same for Spectra Energy’s invading Sabal Trail fracked methane pipeline as for Kinder Morgan’s invading Palmetto petroleum products pipeline that is the subject of the movie. Thanks to Push Back the Pipeline for getting this movie made about Kinder Morgan’s proposed petroleum products pipeline from South Carolina across the Georgia coast to Jacksonville, Florida. Special thanks to Eileen, Lori, and Debra and the Woman’s Club of Live Oak for the movie showing last night, to WWALS Watershed Coalition and the Woman’s Club of Live Oak for hosting, and to Our Santa Fe River, and Gulf Restoration Network for helping promote it.
Don’t forget the hike to the Suwannee River Sabal Trail crossing 8:15 AM Thursday 28 February 2016 with Suwannee and Hamilton County Commissioners.
Spectra Energy of Houston, Texas wants to gouge Sabal Trail from Continue reading Movie online: At What Cost? Pipelines, Pollution and Eminent Domain in the Rural South
Just before Christmas, when the fewest people will be paying attention,
FERC just issued for Sabal Trail, FSC, and Transco Hillabee the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS),
aiming at March to rubberstamp a permit.
You can still ecomment to FERC,
to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers or
to GA-EPD or
your local, state, and federal elected and appointed officials
to oppose this unnecessary, destructive, and hazardous boondoggle.
Curious how EPA changed its tune just before the FEIS.
Accession Number: 20151218-4001, “Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume I re the Southeast Market Pipelines Project under CP14-554 et al. Dated December”, with an announcement, Continue reading FERC rubberstamped FEIS for Sabal Trail today 2015-12-18
Sabal Trail has backed off its end-of-October FERC filing target, now saying “sometime later this year”. Opposition is having some effects!
Robert Hudson wrote for alexcityOutlook.com 1 October 2014, in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, where Sabal Trail proposes to start its hundred-foot gouge through three states, Company preparing to submit natural gas pipeline application to FERC, Continue reading Sabal Trail delays formal FERC filing until “sometime later this year”
Filed with FERC
11 April 2014.
These are apparently
the items he referred to Saturday 29 March 2014
at the SpectraBusters panel at VSU. There’s
much more that can be done but this is a good step forward. -jsq
Bill E Slaughter, JR, Hahira, GA.
April 10, 2014To whom it may concern:
If the route for the proposed Sabal Trail Pipeline comes through any part of Lowndes County as Chairman of the Lowndes County Commission and on the behalf of the Commission and Citizens of Lowndes County I would like to address several concerns we have with the Sabal Trail Pipeline Docket # P14-1-000.
- All road crossings must obtain a Lowndes County R/W Encroachment Permit for each crossing which will include all information required by the Lowndes County Engineer.
- All road crossings shall be perpendicular to the R/W.
- All road crossings shall be Continue reading Sabal Trail will be expected to adhere and honor all Lowndes County Ordinances –Bill E Slaughter, JR to FERC
Stop the Sabal Trail pipeline early before it gets harder.
Making a bad bet shouldn’t guarantee winning by legal judgment
at the expense of landowners, methane pollution, and delayed
solar deployment.
Gabriel Tynes wrote for Lagniappe yesterday, Pipeline company intervenes in lawsuit against Corps,
A federal judge has allowed pipeline company Plains Southcap to intervene in a lawsuit between Mobile Baykeeper and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, citing a rule of civil procedure permitting non-parties to step in to protect interests “that may be impaired by the disposition of the suit,” particularly those which existing parties “cannot adequately protect.”
Maybe the court should “adequately protect” the local watershed and drinking water supply from this kind of spill or worse: Continue reading Judge lets pipeline company intervene in lawsuit