All the companies behind the Southeast Market Pipelines Project have representatives
sitting in those back rooms voting on draft bills on an equal basis with state legislators, according to the latest information publicly availlable.
Back in the news a year after an Atlanta TV station reported on an ALEC meeting in Savannah, ALEC is not just for Georgia, every state has legislators
in that super-lobbying group, including Florida and Albama, taking those draft bills back to their legislatures and often getting them passed.
Now you know why the same bad bills to ban home rule on fracking, to block renwable energy portfolios, to impose a solar tax, and of course to promote fracked methane pipelines, show up at the same times in states all across the country.
Brendan Keefe and Michael King, WXIA-TV, 22 May 2015, Legislators and corporate lobbyists meet in secret at Georgia resort. They found out quite a bit before ALEC had off-duty deputies throw them out of their hotel. Continue reading Spectra, Duke, NextEra, Williams, all members of ALEC super-lobby group