On the same day, the Suwannee Democrat posted a fluff piece from a PR firm for Sabal Trail
actual reporting from the recent Open House in Jasper, FL
that gives some answers Sabal Trail did not.
They’re both well worth reading, the first for its absolute certainty
of safety, cleanliness, and no export, and the second for its actual
evidence of hazards, record of safety failures, and already-authorized LNG export operations.
Oh, and Ms. Grover admitting route changes (caused by objections)
blew her end-of-October filing date.
The second for opponents attempting to get answers from Sabal Trail
and having to get them from other protesters who have done the research
Sabal Trail denies can be done.
The “epitome of ignorance and greed” indeed.
Please go read. Continue reading Sabal Trail PR countered by actual information in the Suwannee Democrat
Tag Archives: Jasper
Only the two Open Houses in Albany and Jasper –John Peconom
Not finding any news about other Open Houses,
I called FERC’s John Peconom, who said there were no others scheduled
of which he was aware.
He added that these Open Houses were organizd by Sabal Trail.
I pointed out that he was attending them for FERC, so presumably he would know
if there were any others.
He agreed that he would.
I thanked him for saving me a lot of time trying to find others.
So your two choices for Sabal Trail Open Houses this month are: Continue reading Only the two Open Houses in Albany and Jasper –John Peconom
Sabal Trail in Albany, GA 2014-10-20
A Sabal Trail Open House in Albany, Dougherty County, GA Monday, then one in Jasper, Hamilton County, FL Tuesday. That’s the first two places in the route alternatives Sabal Trail just published. Does that mean Trenton, Gilchrist County, FL Wednesday and Kissimmee, Osceola County, FL Thursday? There is no published Open House schedule on sabaltrailtransmission.com or ferc.gov, so anybody who knows of more of these, let us know.
facebook event created today by Jen Maloney:
Sabal Trail “Open House”
Monday, October 20 at 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Hilton Garden Inn Albany Hotel
101 S Front St, Albany, Georgia 31701
The picture is by Continue reading Sabal Trail in Albany, GA 2014-10-20
Sabal Trail Notice of EIS Intent and Route Alternatives
A FERC comment period ending 15 November 2014 seems to mean
Sabal Trail will miss its 31 October formal filing date.
No relief suggested for crossing the Withlacoochee River at the border
of Brooks and Lowndes Counties, Georgia (or inside Lowndes County
next to Valdosta, according to
several of the previous alternatives).
And every proposed path still crosses the Suwannee River
into Suwannee County.
Maybe that’s because the Dougherty County Commission and the Albany City Council actually stood up for their citizens, as did Gilchrist County (see Wacassassa Flats Alternative), while the Suwannee County Commission swallowed Sabal Trail disinformation and the Lowndes County Commission and the Valdosta City Council did little (except one letter from the Chairman) or nothing (except one letter from one Council member).
There’s still time for Dougherty, Lowndes, and all the other
counties and cities
to pass ordinances, and to lobby state and federal agencies and
elected and appointed officials.
Oh, and there’s an election going on.
Also no mention of Sabal Trail’s Jasper, Florida Open House, 5-7:30 Tuesday 21 October 2014, but STT’s newspaper notice said the public is invited, so y’all come!
Filed with FERC today, 15 October 2014, Supplemental Notice of Intent to Prepare an Environment Impact Statement for the Planned Southeast Market Pipeline Project and Request for Comments on Environmental Issues etc. re Sabal Trail Transmission, LLC under PF14-1.
Docket No. PF14-1-000
Continue reading Sabal Trail Notice of EIS Intent and Route Alternatives
Sabal Trail invites you to an Open House in Jasper, Florida
Sabal Trail invites the public to an Open House about a Withlacoochee Alternative
that would avoid the Withlacoochee River in Hamilton County, Florida.
Update 2014-10-15: SpectraBusters facebook event and Sabal Trail new route alternatives filing.
Maybe you’d like to ask them how about avoiding the Withlacoochee River in Lowndes County, Georgia? Or about those three already-authorized LNG export operations right where that pipeline leads. How about why all seven proposed paths would cross the Suwannee River into Suwannee County, Florida? How about asking them not to cross the Santa Fe River, the Suwannee River, the Flint, or the Chattahoochee? Hm, that might mean there’s no path for their pipeline….
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
5:00pm — 7:30pm
Florida Gateway Golf & Country Club
8055 U.S. Highway 129 South, Jasper, Florida 32052
Most of it’s the usual STT boilerplate, plus this: Continue reading Sabal Trail invites you to an Open House in Jasper, Florida